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Development and planning
Date:2017-10-24 10:06:04  Publisher:  Page view:

Director: Luo Jing

Office: Office Tel: 0856-5225098

To preside over the development planning department and the center for higher education research

Deputy director: Zhang Jie

Office phone: 0856-5223307

Assist the director in charge of the work of the social service center

Deputy director: Wu Chengpin

Office phone: 0856-5223307

Assist the director of work, hosting career development planning work.

Sector responsibilities

Career development planning department

NO、 1. study, the preparation and implementation of school development planning, and the implementation of career planning to carry out inspection and evaluation and summary;

NO、2 guide and supervise the planning work of the two level colleges; study and design the ideas and implementation plan of expanding the school space;

NO、3 Study the basic layout and rational allocation of resources, balance the various plans of personnel, enrollment, teaching, infrastructure and so on;

NO、4 to carry out targeted research and prospective theoretical research, writing research reports and theoretical articles, for school leaders decision-making and work to provide theoretical reference, program design and policy recommendations;

NO、5 collection, collation and analysis of school based data, complete database construction, completing the school related statistical data report;

NO、6 participate in the school development plan and major reform program research, demonstration work;

NO、7other tasks assigned.

Higher Education Research Center

NO、1 pay attention to the reform and development of higher education at home and abroad the latest theory and policy;

NO、2 tracking research on universities at home and abroad, collecting relevant information;

NO、3 learn from the successful experience of teaching and research in universities at home and abroad, provide advisory services for major decision-making in schools;

NO、4 Facing to the development of the school's 4. important problems to study and research, undertake higher education research schools and higher commission;

NO、5 organize and guide the teachers of two level colleges to carry out higher education teaching research work;

NO、6collect information of higher education reform, higher education compiled reference > < tongren university, school leaders and units for inspection, reference;

NO、7 Tongren University is responsible for the higher education research -- Lake on the WeChat platform <> management and maintenance.

synthesize faculty

NO、1 coordinate each department to carry out the work;

NO、2 construction of the internal system;

NO、3 daily document drafting, sending and receiving, registration, approval, archiving;

NO、4 outreach activities of the organization, reception, meeting arrangement;

NO、5 Office of personnel management, financial management, office equipment management, newspaper subscription and management etc.;

NO、6 web content management and audit.