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Wuling national cultural research center
Date:2017-10-24 10:31:30  Publisher:  Page view:

Wuling Mountain National Culture Research Center was founded in October 2011, is a scientific research institution established in the former Eastern culture research center and the Wuling National Culture Research Institute and other research institutions. On the basis of the three research center consists of: protection and development of Wuling mountain national culture and cultural heritage, Wuling national culture research of ecological and economic development in the mountainous areas of Wuling, religious studies cultural changes and social development in mountainous areas; to Scientific Outlook on Development as a guide to local cultural, economic, social, ecological and harmonious development as the goal, efforts to build the modern science and technology as the core means to ensure both the three research directions of teaching, scientific research and social service platform, promoting Into the Wuling mountain culture, economy, society, ecology, coordinated and healthy development

There are 32 full-time and part-time researchers in the center, including 13 full-time researchers and 19 part-time researchers; 12 professors and 6 associate professors; 16 doctors and 3 masters