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Administrative System
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dapartement of social science
Date:2017-10-24 10:18:42  Publisher:  Page view:

Deputy director: Zhang Jianglin (chair) Office Tel: 0856-5230955 presided over the party secretary in charge of the overall work, family affairs. Responsible for the comprehensive coordination, national security secrecy, reception, vehicle management and dispatching work.

Deputy director: Wang Mei Office Tel: 0856-5223157 assist the director in charge of general department, Department of things (including the team). Responsible for business, statistics, inquiry, telecommunications, seal management.

Deputy director: Sun Xiangyang

Office phone: 0856-5757706

Assist the director in charge of secretarial work, Department, inspection department. Responsible for office, supervision and supervision, publicity, website management.

The main work of institutional responsibilities

NO、1 A host of college office comprehensive work. Leading the Department staff earnestly duties within the scope of the work, and strive to improve work efficiency, ensure the quality of work, timely completion of various tasks, give full play to the functions of Office of Party&Administration Council, better for the Academy of political party, the overall work, the work of the center, teaching and service.

NO、2 presided over the drafting of the college work plan, work summary and other important documents of the hospital, materials drafting and audit

NO、3 to assist the hospital leadership inspection, supervise each department, each department implementation of resolutions, decisions, special work tasks assigned by higher authorities. The work plan and coordination across departments. And put forward opinions and suggestions on the problems found in the inspection, to the college leadership report.

NO、4 organize the personnel of the Department to do the foreign affairs and reception work within the scope of the office responsibility, and cooperate with some important reception work in the relevant departments of the hospital if necessary

NO、5 the organization departments of the staff to national security, confidentiality, letters, information, statistics and archives work. Coordinate with relevant departments to jointly improve the construction and operation of the information network, to ensure the smooth flow of information, timely reporting of important information.

NO、6 improve the internal management system of the Department, strengthen team construction, organization of the Department of the cadres and workers of political, business, job of cadre, worker of Ideological and political work and occupation moral education. Organization of the Department of cadres, staff assessment and Pingxianpingyou work.

NO、7 responsible for the arrangement and preparation of various important meetings and related activities of the college committee, and strengthen the organization and coordination to ensure the smooth progress of the conference and related activities

NO、8 organize the staff to do research and information collection, collation and editing work

NO、9 the organization of the Department staff to finish other duties within the scope of work Office of Party&Administration Council. Complete other tasks assigned by the leadership of the hospital.