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Buddhist institute of buddhist culture
Date:2017-10-24 10:32:40  Publisher:  Page view:

Fanjing Mountain Buddhist Culture Research Institute was formally established in 2012 at Tongren University of Guizhou Buddhist culture specialized research institutions in the Tongren municipal government. The construction of the Fanjing Mountain "Maitreya Temple" under the background of the establishment and construction of the institute attaches great importance to the leadership of the party and government. The secretary personally for the Academy Award, 2013 city finance 180 thousand yuan of special funds for scientific research institute.

The existing part-time research staff of more than 10 people, more than 30 year old young scholars generally have doctoral degree or above. Major research institute has three, one is the regional Buddhist cultural studies, two is the research on the culture of Maitreya, three Study on the tourism culture of Buddhism. In recent years the national social science project 2, 7 provincial projects, published 4 academic monographs, complete the survey commissioned by the government to issue 1, published many articles in various journals. Recent academic research institute's goal is to become an important academic institutions in Guizhou province and Wuling mountain religious culture study in 5 years.